Friday, September 28, 2012

Jack of all trades & ER visit!!

Well boys and girls you can say I have tried my hand at many jobs in my life.  One thing I have learned over the years is that I LOVE the medical field, and law enforcement field.  And, most recently I have started selling ThirtyOne (am now addicted to this stuff).  If you haven't looked at or haven't had bought anything from them you are missing out!!  I am addicted~~I have a weakness for bags and purses... a terrible addiction... my husband hates it... Coach is my other obsession. LOL Ok.. I never thought in a million years I would love selling this stuff as much as do this!! I don't ever get to excited over systems like this.. but this is well... on a rating scale... compared to the Twilight series... neck to neck!!!  Did I just say I love the Twilight series.. oopps.. lol not really.. I can say that right?? Ha  So if you wanna check this stuff out here is my sight!! ;)

NOW.. Ya gotta love those middle of the night, freak out, take your kid to the ER visits.  NOT... Rob and I went to get in bed last night, and every night no matter what time we take Luke to the bathroom before bed.  I go to get him up, and he is COVERED in a rash... OMG... welps, rash, red.. we got a little scared.  He was fine when we put him to bed, and boom.. a matter of a couple of hours, and oh my!! My uncle almost died a few times (literally) from allergic reactions to nuts.  Then another thought... SPIDER bite.. We killed a big 'ole nest of fiddle back(brown recluse for you non Okies) spiders a couple of weeks ago.. So, we threw clothes on us all and off we went.  That was the fastest, most reliving visit to the ER ever!!  Thank goodness that it wasn't a bite, and we really have no idea as to what it was!! But, he is fine today.  But, he got to stay home and rest from school today(he isn't happy about it)... MY kid is mad cause he didn't have to go to school... WHOA Ok.. that is all for now!!



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