Tuesday, October 2, 2012


It's fall... FINALLY!!  The cooler weather has prompted the animals to get ready for winter.  The dogs are getting their winter coats, and the squirrels are preparing for winter.  I have 4 squirrels in my back yard.  They make me laugh on a daily basis.  I know little things amuse me!!  Hehehe  As I was watching them this morning bury their nuts 1 squirrel is SERIOUS about it's food.  No really... SERIOUS!!  Hahaha Anytime one of the other squirrels come near his buried treasure he goes all ninja squirrel (well as well as a fat squirrel can).  It's quite comical actually.  Yesterday it was fighting with one of the other squirrels.. like rolling around, chasing each other fighting.  I was cracking up!! LOL  Well this morning this squirrel had 3 nuts and it was in the process of burying it all when another squirrel stole 1 from it. I have not seen that fat squirrel move so fast!!  OH MY GOSH... Now that was some funny stuff!!!  I was snorting because I was laughing so hard.. did I just say I snorted... OH MY!!  LOL So after catching the other squirrel they proceeded to fight.  I am pretty sure that other squirrel was just picking a fight(BULLY squirrel).  Anyway, if you need a good laugh come watch my squirrels!!  HAHAHA

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