Friday, October 5, 2012


It has been a crazy crazy week around here! But, the weather is sooooo nice and cool!  So, I made homemade chicken and noodles this evening for supper!  Man they were good!!  So, tomorrer(Luke'ism) I am making pumpkin bread, and sweet potato bread.  Yummo with my coffee!

In other news..... I bought an iPat(Luke'ism) last week. However, the iPat has been in Luke's  possession for a lot of this time playing his games.  Those things are so cool.  I remember when I first used a computer.. it was a long time ago!! LOL

More news:  Next weekend starting Friday morning Luke and I are going to Branson with my parents, and some great friends!  Luke, myself, and our friends will be riding some rides!  My parent's are chickens!! Haha I need a good adrenaline's long over due... really long over due... I really wish the hubby didn't have to work and could go.  Boo!

More news cont'd:  LOL Well since I have been taking care of my grandma she has commented several times about how good of a cook I am.  At first I just thought she was being nice... but it keeps happening.  I mean DUH Kristy... I learned from the 3 best cooks EVER... So, she LOVES my sweet potato bread.. I was in shock the other day when she told me it was past due for her to get some.  So, after I get her settled in the morning I will be whipping up some of that and pumpkin bread!!  I LOVE to bake.... especially for people I care about!! ;)))  Well I am off to relax!! Have a great weekend!! Oh and BOOMER SOONER!!!

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