Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Well as I watch the kids play this morning, I realize exactly how fortunate we are to have grandparents and family help watch our son.  1st thing I learned this morning is that Luke doesn't like to share.  In no shape form or fashion.  I am watching a friends little girl, and he does NOT like to share.  This is a learning experience for both kids.  She is sweet, and Luke is sweet.. but together they torment each other.  Kinda funny actually.  

Luke heard the sod trucks rolling out this morning, and he was mad.  He loves to go, help, watch, boss(not sure where he gets that.. hehehe), and most of all help his Pa.  Yes he calls my parents Ma and Pa.. Yes it's country 100%!!  I love it, and find humor in it.  Ma didn't want to be called anything but grandma, and yep that didn't happen, and it's funny.  My brother and his wife had a little boy in September, and he is the sweetest thing ever.  They live in Dallas while Mark goes to Chiropractor school.  I hate it, I miss them, I am ready for his time to be done so they can come home to stay!!!  Well kids are calling me... 

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