Monday, May 7, 2012

The beginning!!!

This whole blog thing is something very new for me!  As you see by the title, I live on a sod farm owned by my parents.  It's run by all of us.  We take calls, the boys mow, weed eat, irrigate, fix things, fight with the cattle(yes I said cattle), fight with the pond which is over ran with moss, fix things, and on the fun days the boys noodle, play on the air boat(yes it's a blast), fish, fish, fish, deer hunt, fish, deer hunt, fish, and with our little boy we kill gophers(yes gophers), they are evil, they kill our grass, and that's not good.  Yes we drink sweet tea sitting on our porch while the kids play in the water and whatever else they can get dirty doing.  Have I mentioned I am a full-time college student, and just started babysitting a friends little girl, along with our 4yr. old.  Yes I am crazy, and I love it!  If I am not pressed for time, I could NOT survive the day!  My house isn't the spotless clean you city folk are used to.  I live on a sod's dirty, muddy, wet, hot, crazy busy, smelly...BUT I WOULDN'T CHANGE IT FOR ANYTHING!!  

Now a little about me...just me.....  I am loud, outspoken, love to talk, love to take pictures(but not real good at it), goofy, accident prone(not good on a farm), I am random, love love love to cook(The Pioneer Woman completes me), have I mentioned I love to cook?  I watch cheesy tv shows(as my dad says 30 minutes of stupidity), it's mindless tv and I love it.  HGTV is what I fall asleep to just about every night.  I love horses, cattle, puppies, and flowers.... oh flowers.... I love them but I don't do so well growing them.. I forget, over water, not water at all, but they are purty!!!  I say yes ma'am, no ma'am, yes sir, no sir, I say ya'll, and I am country to the bone!!!  I love basketball, baseball, and football!  I am a huge OU fan, the hubby and son are OSU fans.. In order for their to be some peace in my house hold I must attend at least one OSU sporting event per year.. this year was 2( I am ashamed of myself)!!

So, if and when my family and friends gets wind of this... well they are going to laugh at me.. but I don't' care.. I love to TALK... Imagine that.. So for now I am going to enjoy some lazy time!!  G'night Ya'll

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