Thursday, May 24, 2012

I forgot to post  pics of today's outing.. :)

Honestly we just happened to run across the guys laying sod today.  I took the long way to Perkins, and we spotted them!! :)))  I have other pics, but these will do for now!!

Girls, Girls... GIRLS I said!!

SOOOOO.... Babysitting a little girl has changed my life(not joking like at all).  You all have to remember I am a country girl( NO accident).  Which means what you say?  I am NOT girly, not now, not ever!  Well if I absolutely have to be I will(being forced in other words)!!  

On that note.  My niece is spending a few days with us.  They are getting to be girly girls.  And, I can handle that.  They tell me what they want etc., and it happens.  So having a almost 2yr. old girl around  is VERY VERY VERY different.  We went on an outing today.   My first outing with me being the only adult there(scary stuff).  I know this all sounds crazy, but I have a 100% country boy 4yr. old.  I got boys down to a tee.  Trucks, trailers, wheels, boats, deer hunting, fishing boys!!!  I am the only girl.  Man O MAN!!  We ventured to old navy today.  Thanks to my niece I have had some help(not sure I could have survived w/o).  Not sure how my momma had 4 of us..EEEKKKK  Anyhoooo  Luke wanted trucks, and Kynnadi wanted shoes.  SHOES???? SHOES???  What do I do with PINK SHOES???  Not cowboy boots... Holy cow... She threw a ring tailed fit for shoes!!  OMG!!!  Yep it floored me!!!! I will never be the same!!  LOL 

Sitting here writing this my boy is playing with his cousin(Hannah).  He loves "his gurls" he has 3 of them(Hannah, Meghan, Josie).  They are NOT his Uncle Pj & Aunt Erins girls.. they are his gurls(very redneck sounding)!  I get up to use the restroom, walk in and my child has thrown an entire NEW roll of toilet paper in the toilet, took it out, and laid on the counter.  In questioning him about this he said "it was cool mom"... LORD help me!!!  ***SIGH***  Guess I better go get the kitchen cleaned up/put up, and get ready for tomorrow!!!!  GIRLS...GIRLS....and 1 boy!!!!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

The weekend so far!

This last 2 weeks have been a blur.  But, yesterday started off an amazing weekend.  One of my close friends graduated from high school, and won a Lexus and a $25,00 dollar scholarship.  Her parents had a cake party(which was a great idea).  Today started at and I was running till about 20 minutes ago.  My brother's wedding reception was tonight, and it is was the prettiest reception I have ever been to.  The food was amazing... the wine(SAY WHAT) was great.  Watching people from church drink it was classic.  My momma was a little disturbed about it.. but it wasn't her reception, and it was a great starter for a conversation.. LOL LOL LOL

Saw people whom I haven't seen in years.  Most were my brother's best friends from high school.. Can't believe they are "all grown up" now.  Luke had cake for supper(yes mother of the year award goes to me)!!  There was an entire pig(kinda creepy), and all the fixins.  Am I random(don't answer that).  Now fixing to go put my feet up, and doze off to sleep!!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Of mice and my sanity!!!

I hate mice!  I live on a farm, and I hate mice.  They scare me, they are nasty, they are evil, and they make me crazy!!!  We have to put mice poison down, and eventually we get one that actually dies inside the house.  So, last night we(being my husband, and me standing at the front door) found one behind the oven.  It smelled horrible, I almost puked, I gagged, I ran like a little girl!! My brothers used to chase me with the dead ones when I was a kid(before mice poison).  I locked myself in the bathroom, and screamed when they would try and shove them under the door.... I am scarred for life..

That is all!!!  ;)

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Dr. Pepper calms me!

Well this week so far has been great!!  God is opening doors right and left for us, and we couldn't be anymore grateful as we are now.  We just have to stick out 1 more year of school for me!!  EEKK.. can't believe it's so close!!  

Have I mentioned that I have an addiction to purses, and I have never admitted this part before:  Shoes.. OH MY I can't believe I just said that!!  I have never been big on fashion, etc... oh sigh... So, I am selling some of them all.. Separation  anxiety is taking over me today... yes I admitted that too.  I might have to a Dr. Pepper to get over it and possibly some chocolate!!!  

My brother is getting married tomorrow.  And, the reception will be the 19th.  Everyone on the farm is stressed.  Which in turn is making me stressed.  I am so glad to have such a wonderful person become family!!  I now have 2 wonderful sisters!!  !!  Although this isn't as normal as far as weddings.  And, I am ok with that.. Wedding with just the parents there, and then reception following week for everyone.  I can handle that.  But, since my yard is technically the first yard people see I am flipping out!!  I am becoming crazy person.  #1.  I don't grow things well.  So I have to get the flowers bought, and planted like the day before so they don't die.  #2.  My momma is stressed out.  And, it makes me stressed!  If she would just listen to me, and relax a little it would be better or let me help!!!  SIGH...   And, I probably need to go get a spray tan or something.  I have a bit of a farmers tan.. Have I mentioned I still haven't purchased clothes for this event!  EEEKKKKKKKKKK  I might have to have one of my friends rescue me!!  But, she works night!!!  

That is all for now!  

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Well as I watch the kids play this morning, I realize exactly how fortunate we are to have grandparents and family help watch our son.  1st thing I learned this morning is that Luke doesn't like to share.  In no shape form or fashion.  I am watching a friends little girl, and he does NOT like to share.  This is a learning experience for both kids.  She is sweet, and Luke is sweet.. but together they torment each other.  Kinda funny actually.  

Luke heard the sod trucks rolling out this morning, and he was mad.  He loves to go, help, watch, boss(not sure where he gets that.. hehehe), and most of all help his Pa.  Yes he calls my parents Ma and Pa.. Yes it's country 100%!!  I love it, and find humor in it.  Ma didn't want to be called anything but grandma, and yep that didn't happen, and it's funny.  My brother and his wife had a little boy in September, and he is the sweetest thing ever.  They live in Dallas while Mark goes to Chiropractor school.  I hate it, I miss them, I am ready for his time to be done so they can come home to stay!!!  Well kids are calling me... 

Monday, May 7, 2012

The beginning!!!

This whole blog thing is something very new for me!  As you see by the title, I live on a sod farm owned by my parents.  It's run by all of us.  We take calls, the boys mow, weed eat, irrigate, fix things, fight with the cattle(yes I said cattle), fight with the pond which is over ran with moss, fix things, and on the fun days the boys noodle, play on the air boat(yes it's a blast), fish, fish, fish, deer hunt, fish, deer hunt, fish, and with our little boy we kill gophers(yes gophers), they are evil, they kill our grass, and that's not good.  Yes we drink sweet tea sitting on our porch while the kids play in the water and whatever else they can get dirty doing.  Have I mentioned I am a full-time college student, and just started babysitting a friends little girl, along with our 4yr. old.  Yes I am crazy, and I love it!  If I am not pressed for time, I could NOT survive the day!  My house isn't the spotless clean you city folk are used to.  I live on a sod's dirty, muddy, wet, hot, crazy busy, smelly...BUT I WOULDN'T CHANGE IT FOR ANYTHING!!  

Now a little about me...just me.....  I am loud, outspoken, love to talk, love to take pictures(but not real good at it), goofy, accident prone(not good on a farm), I am random, love love love to cook(The Pioneer Woman completes me), have I mentioned I love to cook?  I watch cheesy tv shows(as my dad says 30 minutes of stupidity), it's mindless tv and I love it.  HGTV is what I fall asleep to just about every night.  I love horses, cattle, puppies, and flowers.... oh flowers.... I love them but I don't do so well growing them.. I forget, over water, not water at all, but they are purty!!!  I say yes ma'am, no ma'am, yes sir, no sir, I say ya'll, and I am country to the bone!!!  I love basketball, baseball, and football!  I am a huge OU fan, the hubby and son are OSU fans.. In order for their to be some peace in my house hold I must attend at least one OSU sporting event per year.. this year was 2( I am ashamed of myself)!!

So, if and when my family and friends gets wind of this... well they are going to laugh at me.. but I don't' care.. I love to TALK... Imagine that.. So for now I am going to enjoy some lazy time!!  G'night Ya'll