Wednesday, July 11, 2012

A little over a month

Well as I sit here and write this I am almost in tears.  This summer has went way to fast, and our baby boy starts pre-K!  I am not ready in no shape, form, or fashion!!  I am almost in tears!  Can I just pretend I send him to school(ya know like when we were kids pretend)?  I know I know I can't but I want to.  I wanna run to the hills, and hide forever!  Ok.. enough of my blubbering!  I gotta put my big girl panties on and face it!!  

I graduate in 1yr. FINALLY!!  It seems like it was never gonna end!  I am hoping it will fly by(ok so I secretly like "school"... OK the school breaks)!  I will def. need another vacation by this time next year!  Hopefully things work out and we get to take a I dunno mini-other honeymoon~adult only vacation to Mexico.  If not we will eventually!  

As my wonderful hubby and I drove home the other night from Branson we talked and talked and talked.  It felt so good to have some great conversation! We are both so happy with our life and it can only getter better!!  I love him more and more everyday!  He is an excellent father, and husband!!  Boy I am lucky!! 

Well I am off and running for the day!!  Random thoughts for today are brought to you by a refreshing vacation!!!! ;)

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