Monday, July 23, 2012

Cupcakes, Bread, and Birthday!!!


Well I am officially a year older today!! Can't believe it's already been a year!!  It has flown by!! Have I mentioned I am married to the most amazing man ever?! Well I am!  As I have said before I LOVE to cook and bake!! I have wanted a kitchen aid mixer for a VERY LONG time!!  Well guess what I got for my birthday(you prob. have already guessed)?? Yep he got me a kitchen aid mixer!!  I jumped up and down, screamed, and almost cried when I opened it last night!!  He is AMAZING and he kept the secret for 2 1/2 months(and he tortured me the whole time)!! Hahaha I ask my son what he wants me to make with it first and guess what he said(DUH ON MY PART)?!!  Cupcakes!!  So, I am going to surprise him with orange and black cupcakes(It's hard on me to do things like this considering I am an OU fan & they are OSU fans)!!  The things we do for our kids and spouses!!  Now, I want some nice and warm homemade bread!!  So, I am almost sure that will be on my list this week too!! LOL Everyone will prob. gain 50 pounds by the time I get over my excitement!!  Hahaha

I never knew how cool these things are!  They have pasta, ice cream, meat grinder, and I am sure much more attachments for this thing!!  I am mainly concerned with the ice cream maker.  I am gonna save my money and get one of those!!  We love ice cream!! Haha 

Well I guess I better get around and get some stuff done around here!!  Have a  great week all!!!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Unsure of what to call this one!

It's Friday night!  I am lost in thoughts as my guys play football on xbox.  I can't help but think of years ago.  Things were so simple!  No bills, nothing but time, and being young.  As I get older I reminisce more and more.  I have lost so many people close to me(not just in death).  I realize people change, and life happens.  But, you can't help but wonder how other people you once loved and cherished every moment with them are doing.  I can't help but think about a friend of mine whom I haven't seen in a very long time.  She has been my best friend since kindergarten.  I miss her!!  For reasons beyond my own control we don't get to see each other.  I wish that would change.  But, I LOVE my life, and love my bestest friends I have now.  I don't want to ever lose them!!  I just like to think about those years every now and then!! 

NOW.. I bought a carpet cleaner(well my mommy bought it for upcoming birthday.. hey priorities as adults kinda suck and we resort to using our birthdays to get things we wouldn't normally buy ourselves...face it) and I spent 5 hours cleaning carpets(and the hubby moved furniture, and piddled, and the kiddo well how do I put it thinks he helped.. hehehe) and our carpets are so clean we could eat off of them(I swear I will scream and lock myself in a rubber room if they spill something on it)!!  My back hurts, my kitchen looks like a war zone, my other floors are sticky, my laundry basket threw up all over the place, and my back hurts(have I mentioned that?).  OH and I have mentioned it rained(SERIOUSLY?????????)  I haven't cleaned my carpets in well a long time and the ONE day I decide to it rains(ok I am done cause we sod farm families NEED rain)!!  Have I mentioned that our son finds the ONLY mud hole on the farm and jumps up and down screaming until he is covered in mud(Can I have that rubber room now?? PLEASE????)!!  Luckily we caught him before he  was totally covered!!  I was telling my grandma that I finally got done cleaning the carpets, and she just laughed at me and says(gotta love grandMA ism's):  Well BACK IN THE DAY(REALLY grammy?? LOL LOL LOL) it took a lot longer to keep our floors clean(mind you in like 1940 or something) cause we didn't have machines to do it(OMG I would have NEVER survived)!!  Speaking of machines... HOW IN the all that is holy did they survive with NO microwave??????  Ok that is all!!!  

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

A little over a month

Well as I sit here and write this I am almost in tears.  This summer has went way to fast, and our baby boy starts pre-K!  I am not ready in no shape, form, or fashion!!  I am almost in tears!  Can I just pretend I send him to school(ya know like when we were kids pretend)?  I know I know I can't but I want to.  I wanna run to the hills, and hide forever!  Ok.. enough of my blubbering!  I gotta put my big girl panties on and face it!!  

I graduate in 1yr. FINALLY!!  It seems like it was never gonna end!  I am hoping it will fly by(ok so I secretly like "school"... OK the school breaks)!  I will def. need another vacation by this time next year!  Hopefully things work out and we get to take a I dunno mini-other honeymoon~adult only vacation to Mexico.  If not we will eventually!  

As my wonderful hubby and I drove home the other night from Branson we talked and talked and talked.  It felt so good to have some great conversation! We are both so happy with our life and it can only getter better!!  I love him more and more everyday!  He is an excellent father, and husband!!  Boy I am lucky!! 

Well I am off and running for the day!!  Random thoughts for today are brought to you by a refreshing vacation!!!! ;)

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Shut the front door!!!

Well it's has been a super busy weekend!!  My WONDERFUL hubby takes such good care of us!  He re-filled the swimming pool for us!!  Yay!! We watched Oilton fireworks, church, Wal-Mart(I think I live there), and now home relaxing!  We may try and sneak in a nap today!

Sitting here thinking about all the times my parents would tell us things like:  Shut the front door!  We don't want to air condition the outside.  Or you do the same things your mom does when you clean, cook, etc.  Well I had eaten a cupcake(shhhh don't tell anyone) and I asked Luke to tell me if I had icing on my face.  He said oh ya mom wait.  He turns my head licks his thumb, and wipes it off(OH MY GOODNESS)!!  I am not saying this is a bad thing!  I have picked up some great things from my parents!!  In leu of an anniversary for my best friend and my sister(in-law) mothers passing please DON'T EVER take for granted any time with the people who you care about the most!!  Always tell them you love them, and never ever for get to thank them for making you who you are today!!  Have a good Sunday!!