Friday, June 29, 2012

A little bit of this; A little bit of that

Well it has been almost a month since I last posted.  Man I have been busy!  I am still babysitting, taking care of grandma, helping with my aunt as much as I can, and trying to keep my sanity(which has been a little hard lately)!  But, I thank God everyday for the time I get to spend with my family/friends!

On this note! It's hot out here in sod farm land, and frankly everywhere!  Irrigating, irrigating, and more irrigating has what's been happening!  The boys all need a break from the heat!  But, as I sit here and type in my air conditioned house the boys drive by in a cloud of dust!  We NEED rain!  Rain makes corn, and corn makes whiskey~~UH oh um, ok!  We leave next Friday for Branson!  We are beyond ready(like since March).  Swimming, go-karts, mini-golf, bumper boats, eating junk food, and yes I dare to say it a NAP!!!  We aren't braving Silver Dollar City this trip because well Luke isn't old enough to remember it yet!  If we get to go back in September we will probably go then(this is my excuse until then)!  2 of my friends and their children were there this week, and he puts it so well: he needs to invent a motorized cart of some sort to ride, and push the kids with!  Those hills are killer!!  LOL

I have so much to say but, stuff needs done!!  Off to print a recipe for the perfect iced coffee according to The Pioneer Woman!!  hehehehehe

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