Thursday, August 9, 2012

Separation Anxiety!!

Here it goes!!  With all the devastation in the state of Oklahoma right now.  The fires, the loss of land, homes, etc, the arsonist setting the fires, the arsonist being caught on our property(talk about anxiety attack), my family possibly being evacuated out of our homes, my baby boy starting Pre-K on the 20th, and and and and momma starting her last year of college(YAY FOR ME) =======>>>>> A big 'ole blubbering baby today!! And, the fact that school supplies for a Pre-K student is over 60 bucks!! That should not be like that!!

Now separation anxiety=====UUUHHHHHH I have been home with our son most of his life.  For 3 years he has been with me everyday and now I have to share him???!!!!!  I DON'T LIKE IT!!!  I know he needs and has to be in school but this momma doesn't wanna let go and let him grow up!!  But, the facts of life sometimes sucks!!!  

I had to let out a big sigh today, and get on with it!!  But, I don't to like it!!

So, for the blubbering baby today I may have to have a Dr. Pepper!!  Ya know kind of a security!!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Oklahoma has been burning!!

As most of you are aware by now Oklahoma is burning.  It has been burning since last week.  This is the work of an arsonist!!  The problem is they have NO IDEA who it is.  They keep getting descriptions but with no luck as to who. And, the person has been setting them everyday!!  UGH!! The person came out to our place and I thankfully scared them off.  They saw me and took off way to suspiciously for me to not think it was them.  Ironically a fire started 4 miles from our home about 1hr. later.

I have worked in law enforcement most of my life and this has caused much distress.  I am an emotional person, and get very excited when something like this happens.  And, it being so close to home has got very worried!!!  Hopefully this person will stop!!